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Monday — Sunday, 6a - 3p / 6p - 9:30p | Tel: (360) 477-5426

A lively frontend with rich, saturated wine-soaked colors; suitable for restaurant, lounge and nightspot homepages.


Thu, Jun 23, 2022, 2:25 PM

Pan-fried Outstanding Mallows

by The Getaway

Don’t you dare call it common. Our mallow dish is anything but common. Did you come here for something common? Adipisicing elit. Unde corporis quam iure voluptates, consequuntur ea sed tempora hic recusandae, commodi pariatur perferendis numquam? Iste in qui repudiandae totam, ducimus quibusdam eveniet harum dolorum accusantium rerum? Iste quia modi eum debitis tempore accusantium blanditiis ut cum. Pariatur, ex? Labore qui minima necessitatibus fuga rem voluptatum eos?

Topic: mallows, bistro, du jour,

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du jour ­

\ dü-ˈzhər , də-, -ˈzhu̇r, -ˈzhür \

1 : What's fresh today at TheGetaway
Only at

What our guests say about thier visit

Because of You

We laugh louder, smile wider and dance with more adandon. All thanks to you, friend!

Talk soon!



Let us know!

Thank you!

It’s such a pleasure delivering the best food to our guests. Their presence enriches our day-to-day in an overflowing manner. We wish to say thank you to all of our guests. The future holds all of life’s goodness in our friendship. We look forward to next time! Thank you.

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An SCxN Web Solution