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Sat, Aug 20, 2022, 5:13 PM

Despite an obstacle appearing heavy and solid as an anvil, in reality, it’s hard work and discipline that endow our efforts with the thrust to go upward, and force to pound decisive form out of dreams.

Did you ever notice that our anvil and hammer are floating?

We wanted to show that no matter how heavy a burden, with a constructive attitude a mentor and a team, anyone can make a positive impact on the world.


Our floating anvil poses the notion that without compromise to one’s ethics, it’s normal and easy to improve one’s circumstances and surroundings.

Waterbury Hill set out over a decade ago with the simple idea that the true nature of Life is abundance; Everything is already as it should be. Acceptance that everything and everyone is already in his right place is the first step before allowing Life to unfold.


At Olympic Master and Apprentice we welcome this spirit to fill our guts. And so, our anvil floats evermore

Phil’s practical tips for fun, everyday teamwork:

  1. Be open minded: It’s not always about who wins or loses, sometimes it’s just about being together. If you’re having trouble working with someone, try to find out what they need from you. You may be able to help them out without even realizing it.
  2. Don’t take things personally: You don’t have to agree with everything someone says or does. Just remember that everyone has their own way of doing things. Try to understand where they’re coming from instead of judging them.
  3. Have fun!: If you want to get along with people, then make sure you enjoy each others company. When you’re having fun, you’ll feel good about yourself and you’ll be more likely to work well with others.

Why Does Our Anvil Float?

by Olympic Master and Apprentice

Despite an obstacle appearing heavy and solid as an anvil, in reality, it’s hard work and discipline that endow our efforts with the thrust to go upward, and force to pound decisive form out of dreams.

Did you ever notice that our anvil and hammer are floating?

We wanted to show that no matter how heavy a burden, with a constructive attitude a mentor and a team, anyone can make a positive impact on the world.


Our floating anvil poses the notion that without compromise to one’s ethics, it’s normal and easy to improve one’s circumstances and surroundings.

Waterbury Hill set out over a decade ago with the simple idea that the true nature of Life is abundance; Everything is already as it should be. Acceptance that everything and everyone is already in his right place is the first step before allowing Life to unfold.


At Olympic Master and Apprentice we welcome this spirit to fill our guts. And so, our anvil floats evermore

Phil’s practical tips for fun, everyday teamwork:

  1. Be open minded: It’s not always about who wins or loses, sometimes it’s just about being together. If you’re having trouble working with someone, try to find out what they need from you. You may be able to help them out without even realizing it.
  2. Don’t take things personally: You don’t have to agree with everything someone says or does. Just remember that everyone has their own way of doing things. Try to understand where they’re coming from instead of judging them.
  3. Have fun!: If you want to get along with people, then make sure you enjoy each others company. When you’re having fun, you’ll feel good about yourself and you’ll be more likely to work well with others.

Despite an obstacle appearing heavy and solid as an anvil, in reality, it’s hard work and discipline that endow our efforts with the thrust to go upward, and force to pound decisive form out of dreams.

Did you ever notice that our anvil and hammer are floating?

We wanted to show that no matter how heavy a burden, with a constructive attitude a mentor and a team, anyone can make a positive impact on the world.


Our floating anvil poses the notion that without compromise to one’s ethics, it’s normal and easy to improve one’s circumstances and surroundings.

Waterbury Hill set out over a decade ago with the simple idea that the true nature of Life is abundance; Everything is already as it should be. Acceptance that everything and everyone is already in his right place is the first step before allowing Life to unfold.


At Olympic Master and Apprentice we welcome this spirit to fill our guts. And so, our anvil floats evermore

Phil’s practical tips for fun, everyday teamwork:

  1. Be open minded: It’s not always about who wins or loses, sometimes it’s just about being together. If you’re having trouble working with someone, try to find out what they need from you. You may be able to help them out without even realizing it.
  2. Don’t take things personally: You don’t have to agree with everything someone says or does. Just remember that everyone has their own way of doing things. Try to understand where they’re coming from instead of judging them.
  3. Have fun!: If you want to get along with people, then make sure you enjoy each others company. When you’re having fun, you’ll feel good about yourself and you’ll be more likely to work well with others.