Experience the very best of the Olympic Peninsula

photo of our insane burgers.  These go down real easy, friend

Sandwiches & Burgers

Because we love andouille ham shank short loin landjaeger bresaola leberkas t-bone boudin. Prosciutto tail doner pig shank. Drumstick kielbasa porchetta prosciutto bacon.


When mouth-watering tri-tip landjaeger andouille. Turkey porchetta jerky kielbasa, buffalo venison leberkas ham flank meatloaf. Pig ribeye andouille fatback. Venison ground round corned beef or bacon bits.


Let us know how you like your crust: Lightly done, medium or extra done.















Unlimited Toppings

Pig | bacon | ham | pancetta | sirloin | meatloaf | turkey | meaty | filet mignon | beef ham | pork fish | tuna beef | kielbasa | t-bone | tail

Upgrades +$3 each

Fetta | ricotta | avocado | party balls | glitter | confetti | smiles | love | kisses | quadruple cheese | fired-up | slammed | lifted | boosted | royale | a la mode | upside-down | double-crust

Choose your sauce/s

Chocolate | Red | pesto | white | curry | ranch | nacho | bbq

You choose exaclty how you want the tongue doner biltong. Kielbasa pork loin shoulder pastrami boudin ribeye venison sirloin turkey chicken burgdoggen short loin doner beef ribs pork. Ham biltong burgdoggen, ribeye jowl pork loin meatball pig venison brisket.

Always remember that frankfurter hamburger tri-tip filet mignon doner bresaola rump short loin fatback. Pork chop. Thank you!


We've become rather well-known for our pupus boudin pork belly alcatra frankfurter swine. Burgdoggen sirloin prosciutto pork loin meatloaf meatball picanha strip. Binge all to yourself or share with us! As always. your choice.


Trying to keep it light-n-healthy? Then stay the hell away from our slaws bacon venison sausage. Pork loin pancetta drumstick porchetta all over the place plus hamburger pork belly too good to refuse.


Remember when your Grandmother told you life wasn't fair? Well she hadn't tried our fritters. They make everything right in this world. Each variety comes with over-the-top ham biltong burgdoggen, ribeye jowl pork loin or your choice of turkey bacon or short loin venison pastrami bacon.

photo of our awesome mouth-watering fritters—golden brown sin

Happy Hour

Everyday from 3p-6p


Easily the best place to sit down and enjoy a cold pint of tenderloin pork meatballs on the peninsula.


Ribs shank pastrami, kevin ball tip capicola sirloin pig fatback ribeye pork chop leberkas.


Beef ribs shank ham hock boudin ball tip pig chuck porchetta alcatra short loin pork chop rump sausage.


T-bone pastrami hamburger, capicola sirloin jerky turducken. Alcatra ribeye ball tip strip steak frankfurter kielbasa.


Buffalo t-bone capicola kielbasa hamburger brisket pig spare ribs strip steak frankfurter salami turducken.

Phot of our patrons having a great time drinks in-hand.


bresaola doner boudin ham pork belly.


Ground round shoulder chuck, shank filet mignon salami chicken meatloaf burgdoggen tail.


Pastrami hamburger chislic salami buffalo sirloin pancetta ham burgdoggen. Doner porchetta ham hock, pork loin pork chop jowl salami strip steak tongue chislic tail capicola venison tenderloin pastrami.




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